
The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself

The challenge is to silence the mind

Caroline Myss

I offer counselling and psychotherapy, with an emphasis on the following:

Grief and

Grief is a universal experience and one that crosses the divide between the material and the non-material. I will support you in meeting your grief with an approach that is measured, grounded and gentle.


Adolescence is a pivotal period in life, a core part of the transition from child to adult. It can be challenging to navigate, and a deeper understanding of the self will help to face the challenge of becoming and meeting an emerging future.


All of us, at some point or other, experience a difficult period(s) where we question aspects of our life; our work, our goals, our identity, what it all means, whether it even matters. However it arises, we can seek meaning and understanding together.

Depression and anxiety

Depression is more than being sad, and anxiety is more than being worried. These are deep feeling states that influence every area of your life. Through exploration of these feeling states, we can chart a path through to integration and a new way of being.

Stress and overwhelm

Does your mind feel so full and active that you can’t seem to get anything out of it? Are you unable to focus or find motivation for what you need and want to do? Do you find it difficult to rest or relax? I can support you to find your own voice of wisdom and reclaim your balance.

I use a range of approaches that may include:

Self-cognizance and
Shadow Work

An inner exploration using compassionate enquiry, the awareness of the self, including all its facets, both the parts we like and don’t like. All facets form the unified whole and through greater awareness of the internal world, we can better operate in the external world.

and grounding

Focus on bringing our mind into the present moment, grounding and centering in the here and now, which is where we hold our power; to make changes and decisions, to commit to change, and to more clearly see what we are seeking and the changes we want to make.

Guided imagery
and imagination

Using mental images including peaceful or empowering scenes, reviewing scenes of the past from a present mindset, to promote relaxation and positive changes in emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, and ultimately develop a greater awareness of the inner world.

Compassion and
deep democracy

Working to adopt a full appreciation of the complexity of human existence, the bounds in which we exist in our lives and their influence on us; building a healthy relationship within the self, between all parts of the self, and listening to the quiet or suppressed parts of the self.


An evolution of Jungian psychology, integrating somatic (physical body) experiences, and focused on perceiving and understanding the information conveyed from the more dreamlike, illogical, feelings-based aspects of human experience.