Consciousness Feminine and Masculine Spirituality

Sunday morning musings (13 October 2024)

The theme of feminine rising and patriarchy falling has long been circulating. It can sound like ‘men fall and women rise’ but it goes much deeper.

Patriarchy is power of men over (patri- = father, -archy = rule). The opposite may seem to be matriarchy, or power of women over. But there is also ‘matristic’ (matri- = mother, -istic = characteristic of), or an orientation towards the feminine, historically associated with Mother Goddess or Earth worship.

Masculine aspects, the cognitive and mentally conscious, is in your face. We don’t need to try to perceive it. The feminine, however, is subtle and needs to be connected with through feeling in the body and deep knowing. It requires being grounded, in stillness and in quiet.

Through this orientation we recall and reconnect to our deeper truth. Both men and women need to engage feminine consciousness, it is not a gender thing.

Patriarchy keeps us focused on the superficial, on materialistic and egoistic power, and controls through the fear of losing these things. It keeps us redirected away from our knowing true Self. The fall of patriarchy comes through expanding capacity to know the Self, within us and within others, and grounding in that awareness. Collectively.

Some lead this through natural capacity, being naturally more deeply feeling, or sensitive. Encountering people who perceive in this way cannot help but shift us towards this perception ourselves. It can be uncomfortable at first and usually at various points throughout. Some will continue to reject it, and those people.

It is not without material/egoistic cost, and we cannot force ourselves or others faster than capacity allows. Doing so goes against feminine principles. External reality applies force and intrinsically hastens the process at times. Sometimes things we say or do will form part of that force.

We can practice our being state and exercise our subtle perceptions, so that it becomes increasingly comfortable, familiar, and stable, and feminine consciousness becomes a stronger part of how we are in the world. In this we facilitate the collective process.

Photo by Luca Calderone on Unsplash
